Casa Vale

CASA VALECASA VALECASA VALECASA VALE Previous slide Next slide Numbers & Facts Location: Portugal City: Caldas da Rainha Client: Private Year: 2021 Area: 200 m2 Status: In progress Theme: Architecture, Landscape Program: Residential Credits Architecture Team: Bruna Serralheiro, Joana Pimenta, Bernardo Vinagre  Architecture lead: Bruna Serralheiro Architecture coordination: Joana Pimenta Structural Eng.: Eng. José Capinha MEP: Eng. José Capinha Mais do que planos lançados ao terreno, a Casa do Vale compõe- se de vistas e enquadramentos. O horizonte revelou-se desde cedo uma das linhas orientadores do projeto. As vistas que a casa alcança exigiram um trabalho minucioso de enquadramentos visuais, tanto no seu interior como no seu exterior. Desta forma, o percurso é entendido como um conjunto de composições que se vão sucedendo, mantendo vivo o elemento de surpresa e interesse pelo que está por vir ao explorarmos a casa. A plasticidade do projeto é procurada através de materiais claros e orgânicos, para que a leitura da composição seja una. Pretende-se estuque branco nas paredes, telha plana branca nas coberturas inclinadas, e pedra lioz nas molduras, de forma a reflectir a claridade da luz por matizes e texturas diferentes. No interior procura-se o conforto da arquitectura chã, através do pinho e dos tons claros, em concílio com a versatilidade técnica da arquitetura industrial, numa reunião que se quer acima de tudo cuidada e despretensiosa. A estratégia de implantação prevê uma piscina, em comunicação com a sala de estar, e arranjos exteriores que possibilitam o acesso ao piso subterrâneo da garagem, ao mesmo tempo que se criam plataformas e pátios que servem o programa interior. O cunho da Casa do Vale é valer-se da abertura da sua condição. De se assumir humilde perante a beleza do sítio em que se encontra, mas de reservar para si o direito e a capacidade de crescer, de ir mais longe. Imagens desenhos Related projects Villaverde Read More Casa Torre Read More Casa Par Read More Casa Domino Read More Casa Bravo Read More Casa Alta Read More

Casa Gaia

Casa GaiaCasa GaiaCasa GaiaCasa GaiaCasa Gaia Previous slide Next slide Numbers & Facts Location: Portugal City: Lisbon Client: Private Year: 2021 Area: 400 m2 Status: In progress Theme: Architecture Program: Residential Credits Architecture Team: Bruna Serralheiro, Joana Pimenta, Pedro Santos, Lázaro Ourique, Helena Fernandes, Andreas Mendes Design lead: Bruna Serralheiro Project Manager: Pedro Santos Architecture coordination: Joana Pimenta Structural Eng.: Pecnom MEP: Mais Engenharia Cost Calculation: Tribato A Casa Gaia é uma reabilitação, está inserida no bairro de Alvalade e desenvolve-se em 4 pisos, sendo um deles em cave, em piso social, um piso íntimo e um piso com aproveitamento de sotão. A morfologia da proposta pretende valorizar o imóvel original adicionando uma ampliação a tardoz.  Com a ampliação posterior ficam garantidas as condições não só para aumento das áreas habitáveis como também para relocalização das escadas que não interfira com largura de compartimentos habitáveis e, sobretudo, inserção de plataforma elevatória vertical que ligue todos os pisos: do estacionamento, ao piso dos quartos, passando pelos pisos sociais e do jardim a tardoz. Permite também o volume ampliado, aproveitando a demolição da fachada posterior original já bastante adulterada, garantir mais iluminação natural ao interior da moradia, sobretudo nesta sua orientação a Norte. A criação de largos vão envidraçados nesse sentido possibilita ao mesmo tempo que as novas fachadas que se distingam do Prédio existente, destacando assim visualmente as fachadas originais a manter, parte integrante do Conjunto Urbanístico que a intervenção proposta também pretende valorizar. No que respeita a cobertura do corpo ampliado, da mesma forma e apesar de não ser visível a partir da via pública, a mesma não deve mimetizar a cobertura original mas antes garantir que esta última se destaque. Nesse sentido, propõe-se a utilização de materiais distintos dos materiais originalmente utilizados na cobertura, de forma a diferenciar os distintos momentos de edificação. Related projects Villaverde Read More PRATEATO Read More Eco House Read More Casa Vale Read More Casa Torre Read More Casa Domino Read More Belleville Read More Bairro Loft Read More

Casa November

CASA NOVEMBERCASA NOVEMBER Previous slide Next slide Numbers & Facts Location: Portugal City: Caldas da Rainha Client: Private Year: 2020 Area: 200 m2 Status: Built Theme: Interior design Program: Residential Credits Architecture Team: Bruna Serralheiro, Joana Pimenta, Mariana Oliveira, Ana Rocha, Ana Filipa Rodrigues Architecture coordination: Bruna Serralheiro Pimenta Supervision: Tekstudio Contractor: Gil Azoia “Para atravessar contigo o deserto do Mundo Para atravessar contigo o deserto do mundo Para enfrentarmos juntos o terror da morte Para ver a verdade para perder o medoAo lado dos teus passos caminhei Por ti deixei meu reino meu segredo Minha rápida noite meu silêncioMinha pérola redonda e seu oriente Meu espelho minha vida minha imagem E abandonei os jardins do paraíso Cá fora à luz sem véu do dia duro Sem os espelhos vi que estava nuaE ao descampado se chamava tempo Por isso com teus gestos me vestiste E aprendi a viver em pleno vento.” Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen Photos 3D Related projects Chalet Conde d’Almeida Araújo Read More Casa Kintua Read More Casa Ginga Read More Casa Bravo Read More Casa Alta Read More

Casa Torre

Casa TorreCasa TorreCasa TorreCasa TorreCasa Torre Previous slide Next slide Numbers & Facts Location: Portugal City: Lisboa Client: Enza Properties Year: 2019 Area: 450 m2 Status: In progress Theme: Architecture Program: Residential Credits Architecture Team: Bruna Serralheiro, Joana Pimenta, Elisa Alves, Diogo Vasconcelos, Lázaro Ourique Design lead: Bruna Serralheiro Architecture coordination: Joana Pimenta Casa Torre is structured on two levels, with one slightly above the sidewalk level and the other slightly below, seeking to convey the image that the house is developed on only one level. Viewed from the street, the house appears as a monolith suspended above the ground with no openings; however, this appearance is completely deconstructed, contrasting with its bright interior. Therefore, from the sidewalk level, a ramp invites us to enter the lot and elevates us to what we will call the first floor, where we find the hall and the social entrance of the house, located at its center. From this point, the house unfolds into two volumes: one more private, intended for the bedroom areas, and one more social, designated for the living, dining, and kitchen areas. Between these two volumes, a spacious courtyard provides independence and privacy to both areas, also helping to bring better illumination to all spaces and simultaneously creating an outdoor leisure area that extends to the lower level. The main entrance to the house is on the lower level, referred to as the ground floor, adjacent to the covered parking. Related projects Villaverde Read More PRATEATO Read More Eco House Read More Chalet Conde d’Almeida Araújo Read More Casa Vale Read More Casa Gaia Read More Casa Domino Read More Casa Bravo Read More Casa Alta Read More Belleville Read More Bairro Loft Read More

Bairro Loft

Bairro Loft Numbers & Facts Location: Portugal City: Lisboa Client: Private Year: 2015 Area: 60 m2 Status: Project Theme: Architecture Program: Residential Credits Architecture Team: Bruna Serralheiro, Sofia Travassos, Pedro Hébil The renovation proposal of this apartment intended to enhance its condition of last floor with an attic, adapting the structure to the current functional needs and maximizing the space areas and lighting. The house is organized in different levels and materials that make the distinction between functions and allow permeability of the space. Open areas, attic and mezzanine opened above the living room, serve as a sleeping area. White gypsum plasterboards are harmoniously attached to the old traditional walls. Hydraulic mosaic coating and flooring in the kitchen and bathroom evokes the memory of typical tiles of Lisbon. A confortable and intimate ambience is achieved with wooden floor in the living room and bedroom. Related projects PRATEATO Read More Eco House Read More Chalet Conde d’Almeida Araújo Read More Casa Gaia Read More Belleville Read More

Casa Kintua

Casa KintuáCasa Kintuá Previous slide Next slide Numbers & Facts Location: Angola City: Luanda Client: Private Year: 2015 Area: 10 m2 Status: Project Theme: Interior design Program: Residential Credits Architecture Team: Bruna Serralheiro, Joana Marques Between the city and the seaside, this apartment stands out in Africa’s tropical comfort. Luanda 05’s Interior Design is frosted by texture, luxury and comfort, never forgetting the surrounding ocean views. A contemporary image combined with comfort and functionality is the main concern of the interior design proposal for Luanda 05 apartment. Fixed and moveable furniture as well as decoration articles were proposed and designed especially for this house. In the main suite an elegant and multifunctional shelf incorporates places for television, work desk and make-up area. In the children’s room a wooden unit defines the sleeping area with storage and leisure area underneath. Regarding materials we chose American walnut wood coating and Brazil stone paving giving an intimate and pleasant atmosphere. Contrasting textures and neutral colours emphasize golden details of unique design pieces. Related projects Chalet Conde d’Almeida Araújo Read More Casa November Read More Casa Ginga Read More Casa Bravo Read More Casa Alta Read More

Casa Bravo

casa bravocasa bravocasa bravo Previous slide Next slide Numbers & Facts Location: Portugal City: Alcobaça Client: Private Year: 2015 Area: 393 m2 Status: Built Theme: Architecture, Interior design Program: Housing, Comercial, mixed use Credits Architecture Team: Bruna Serralheiro, Pedro Hebil, Sofia Travassos Structural Eng.: Eng. Neves Barata MEP: Eng. Neves Barata Supervision: Eng. Neves Barata Contractor: Nuno Belo Inácio Located in Serra de Aire e Candeeiros, north of Lisbon, the house arises from the existing ground and assumes itself as part of the surrounding nature. Large glass windows that compose the facades emphasize the relation with the exterior and ensure the construction’s natural integration on the ground and landscape. The interior layout has different floor levels that functionally divide the house while defining connections with the exterior. Bravo house is organized in a way that promotes social, visual and spatial interaction. Guatemala green marble and American Walnut wood establish contrasts and parallelisms with the colours of the mountains. The glass facades are protected by cantilivered slabs that ensure thermal comfort and extend the space of the house outside. Related projects Villaverde Read More PRATEATO Read More Eco House Read More Chalet Conde d’Almeida Araújo Read More Casa Vale Read More Casa Torre Read More Casa Gaia Read More Casa Domino Read More Casa Alta Read More Belleville Read More Bairro Loft Read More

Chalet Conde d’Almeida Araújo

Chalet Conde d’Almeida AraújoChalet Conde d’Almeida AraújoChalet Conde d’Almeida AraújoChalet Conde d’Almeida AraújoChalet Conde d’Almeida Araújo Previous slide Next slide Numbers & Facts Location: Portugal City: Foz do Arelho Client: Private Year: 2014-2017 Gross Area: 2.000 m2 Status: Built Theme: Architecture, Landscape, Interior design Program: Residential Credits Architecture Team: Bruna Serralheiro, Joana Pimenta, Joana Marques, Diogo Lima, Pedro Hébil The rehabilitation and design of the Chalet Conde de Almeida Araújo respected the eclectic, mannerist and art déco architectural language of the original construction of 1904. Two fires destroyed all the interiors of the building. We believe the original finishing works were full of detail, therefore the proposal is based on a reinterpretation of similar palaces of the same period. A dialogue between past and present is established by a combination of the finest details and contemporary furniture while the use of noble materials, such as wood and stone, dignify the spaces. Its functional program is organized in three levels: social areas, dining room, living room, library and kitchen in the groundfloor, and bedrooms in the upper floors. An extension of the building gives place to a garage and a gymnasium that communicate with the new exterior garden and swimming pool. Related projects Rendezvous Read More PRATEATO Read More Multiusos de Abrantes Read More Estrela 28 Read More Eco House Read More Casa Gaia Read More Belleville Read More Bairro Loft Read More

Casa Domino

Casa DominoCasa Domino Previous slide Next slide Numbers & Facts Location: Zambia City: Lusaka Client: Private Year: 2012 Area: 785 m2 Status: Project Theme: Architecture Program: Residential Credits Architecture Team: Bruna Serralheiro, Simone Cunha, Nuno Gonçalves Domino House is inspired by the surrounding African landscape. The implantation of the architectural object is made in a sensitive and functional way according to the connection between spaces, the postition of the sun, the creation of patios and the presence of water. Light and matter establish environmental comfort and quality. In order to create a timeless and solid object we relied on a sustainale design. For the exterior coating we have chosen light stone that improves thermal inertia and absorbs less heat. The main patio in the ground floor organizes all the spaces. This patio , along with a secondary one, allows air ventilation and natural light distribution throughout the house. Related projects Villaverde Read More PRATEATO Read More Eco House Read More Casa Vale Read More Casa Torre Read More Casa Gaia Read More Belleville Read More Bairro Loft Read More

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Avenida D. João II, 42, Piso 6, 601/2
1990-095 Lisboa, Portugal


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